The dark energy, dark matter, magne, photon, structure of matter, radioactivity, gravity, black hole, the Big Bang, the theory of everything.





Theoretical research


UDK 52


The dark energy, dark matter, magne, photon, structure of matter,

radioactivity, gravity, black hole, the Big Bang, the theory of everything.



Chornolata Petro Ivanovych


The science of the birth of our universe. Space quantum, time quantum, gravity (space-time-gravitational continuum).

Transparent space-time-gravity star. The structure and dimensions of the newly formed gravitational star. The birth of our universe: Dense energy. Transparent fundamental particle (dark energy). Transparent tiny particle (dark matter). Magne. Photon. Electron. Neutrinos, protons, neutrons, quarks. Big Bang. Expansion of the Universe. Structure of matter. The scheme of origin of our universe. Radioactivity. Gravity steels. The theory of everything.


Object of study: the structure of the universe


Keywords: space quanta, time quanta, gravitational star, transparent fundamental particle (dark energy), transparent smallest particle (dark matter), magne particle



Certificate of copyright registration for the work 90487, Ukraine

Science of our Universe Origination

Studying the properties of Matter, Space, Time, Gravity, Energy, the science has created the theory of the Big Bang. Science believes that the basis of the Big Bang is the Dense Energy and the cause of the Big Bang are the pathological properties, infinity density and temperature of the Dense energy. According to the researches prior to the Big Bang, the density of the Dense Energy was expressed by a number more than 1×1096, and the temperature was about 10 000 trillion trillion degrees.

We should note that there is no clear definition of the Dense Energy and its pathological properties at present, and the definitions of the infinity density and temperature contradict themselves, because infinity never leads to the Big Bang.

Scientific theories indicate that our Universe has the property to expand (at present, our Universe is expanding), and then reducing into an extremely small volume, in which neither laws nor known physical laws (the Dense Energy) act.

At the time of the Big Bang the whole substance was squeezed simply into one single point (diameter of which is unknown) - singularity (from Latin - singularis - unique, special), and there is an appropriate question: what led to the Big Bang and what are its components.

1. Terms

For a start, let's consider how the science defines the following terms: matter, mass, dark energy, dark matter, our Universe, space, time, gravity, vacuum, wave, energy, substance, radioactivity, elementary particles, quantum.

Matter (in English - matter, substance) is the basis of being, which manifests itself in the diversity and multiplicity of objects, processes, phenomena of the microworld, macroworld, megaworld. It exists in motion, development and intertransformations. In physics there are two fundamental types of matter identified - substance and physical fields. But within the framework of the quantum field theory, any particle is described by a quantum physical field. Researches by the scientists argue that the total number of grams of the substance in our Universe (stars, interstellar gas, galaxies, dark energy, dark matter) makes up 25,0 nonillion (2,5×1055 g).

Mass is a physical value, which is one of the main characteristics of the matter, which determines its inertial, energy and gravitational properties. The bulk of the

 atomic mass (more than 99,9%) is concentrated in the nucleus.

Dark Energy (in English - dark energy) in cosmology is a hypothetical form of energy that has negative pressure and evenly fills the entire space of our Universe. In accordance with the provisions of the general theory of relativity, gravity depends not only on the mass but also on the pressure, in addition, negative pressure must give rise to repulsion, anti-gravity. According to the latest data, there was acceleration of expansion of our Universe on the cosmological scale revealed. The Dark Energy should form a significant part of the so-called hidden mass of our Universe.

There are two scientific options for explaining the essence of the Dark Energy:

- Dark Energy is a cosmological constant - constant energy density that evenly fills the space.

- Dark Energy is quintessence - a dynamic field whose energy density can vary in space-time.

The total number of grams of the Dark Energy in our Universe is 17,075×1054 g (68,3%).

Dark Matter (in English - dark mater) is the total number of grams in our Universe, which is equal to 6,7×1054 g (26,8%) - the main property of which is the gravitational interaction. Dark matter can amount up to 90% of the total mass of the galaxy, or may be absent, as in some dwarf galaxies.

Our Universe (stars, interstellar gas, galaxies) the total number of grams of substance according to the modern standards makes up only 1,225×1054 g (4,9%).

Space is the dimensionality, receptacle, in which objects are located and events occur.

Time is the coordinate of the space, time along which the light lines of the physical (material) bodies are stretched out.

Gravity (in English - gravity) is acceleration which is proportional to the force of the gravitational interaction, which in its turn is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the interacting objects. Gravity - is the property of bodies with mass to be attracted to each other. The gravitational interaction is the weakest of the fundamental interactions, but its characteristic feature is that bodies with a mass are always attracted to each other. According to the laws of gravity there is movement of astronomical objects in our Universe.

Vacuum or cavity (in English - vacuum, in Latin - vacuus - empty) is a meaningful physical term, which, depending on the context, may mean:

- partial vacuum is the rarefied state of gas, the pressure of which is less than the atmospheric one;

- ideal vacuum is the ideal abstraction, space in which there is absolutely no substance;

- vacuum state is a physical system without particles and field quanta.

This is the lowest state of the quantum system in which its energy is minimal. In accordance with the principle of uncertainty for such a vacuum, a certain part of physical quantities can not be precisely defined.

Wave, there are several wave definitions:

- wave is the change in the state of the medium (information, perturbation), which extends in the space and transfers energy. In many cases transmission of information is associated with spread of waves;

- wave is the process of spreading oscillations in any physical environment. Wave process is the process of transmission of oscillations. In this case, the particles of the medium do not move along with the wave, but fluctuate around their states of equilibrium.

Waves are characterized by the size of perturbation - amplitude and direction of distribution.

Energy (from the Greek ενεργός - effective) is a scalar physical quantity, general quantitative measure of motion and interaction of all kinds of matter. Energy does not arise from anything and never disappears, it can only move from one state to another (the law of energy conservation). Due to existence of the law of energy conservation, the term "energy" combines all the phenomena of nature into one, is a general characteristic of the state of the physical bodies and physical fields.

Substance is a kind of matter, which is characterized by the mass and consists of the elementary particles (electrons, protons, neutrons, mesons, etc.). A characteristic property of such particles is non-zero baryon charge or lepton charge.

Radioactivity (in Latin radius - ray and activus - active) is the ability of unstable atomic nuclei to spontaneously become more strong and stable nuclei.

Elementary particles (r ≈ from 1×10-20 m to 1×10-25 m) are the smallest subnuclear particles of the substance or physical field, which have a complex internal structure, but it is impossible to divide them into composite particles. These are discrete structural elements that may exist in the unassociated state. The most characteristic feature of the elementary particles is their ability to transformation and interaction, while the daughter particles are not the structural components of the parent, they are born by transformation acts. According to the properties, elementary particles are divided into such groups: photons, leptons, mesons and baryons (nucleons and hyperons). General characteristics of the elementary particles include the following: electric charge, mass, life time, spin, lepton and baryon charges, particularity (quantum number). The scientific theory argues that the elementary particles did not originate first after the Big Bang of the Dense Energy. After the Big Bang of the Dense Energy, our Universe overcame its Compton wave length "..the Plank's era began approximately after 5,39121×10-44 s (Planck's time): at this time, gravitation was separated from other fields." But modern science does not consider the known elementary particles to be such as were during the entire existence of our Universe. At the time of 10-33 s after the Big Bang of the Dense Energy, there were "particle-ancestors" - prequarks with energy exceeding 1015 GeV.

The direct "descendants" of the prequarks were quarks, which formed protons and neutrons about 10-6 s after the Big Bang of the Dense Energy. At present, scientists consider leptons and quarks (in conjunction with gauge bosons) as "fundamental particles" in the structure of the substance.

Quantum (in Latin - guantus) is an elementary discrete, indivisible portion of the physical quantity (energy quantum, field quantum, light quantum, magnetic flux quantum, conduction quantum).

To be objective, only some of the terms are clearly established, understandable and accessible, while most of these include explanation of the causes, consequences and certain properties: matter, mass, space, time, gravity, vacuum, wave, energy, substance, not to mention dark matter and dark energy.

2. E = mc2

Particle of sand, water molecule, neutron, electron, photon, dark matter, dark energy all these are energy according to Einstein's equation E = mc2. The total energy of our Universe:

Е = 2,50×1052 kg × (3×108 m/s)2 = 22,5×1068 J .


3. Space Quantum, Time Quantum, Gravity

(Space-Time-Gravitational Continuum)

Scientific achievements of the modern physics argue that space-time continuum is a continuous variety, it is not flat, but can change the curvature dynamically, depending on the conditions (in Latin continuum - continuous).

Our statement: space-time continuum (hereinafter - space-time-gravitational continuum or infinity) formed by quanta is space (in Latin, spatium, abbreviated as s), and quanta - time (in English - time, abbreviated as t), which are equal to Planck's lengths (λ = 1,61624×10-35 m). The speed of s and t quantum motion is equal to: 6,18719×1034 m/s (1 ÷ 1,61624×10-35). Continuously moving one through another s and t quanta created the constantly acting force - gravity (g) - one of the four fundamental interactions that did not separate at the time of the Big Bang of the Dense Energy. Intersection of only s quanta is space, only t quanta is time. Let's call the moment of continuous motion one through another, of s and t quanta “the conditional quantum of space-time and gravity" (abbreviated as stg quantum). The gravitational effect of s and t quanta in infinity and between all objects of our Universe and beyond it occurs at the rate 6,18719×1034 m/s.

Property of s or t quanta: volume (conditionally - V sphere) = 2,21062×10-105 m3

[(4 × 3,14159 × (0,80812×10-35 m)3) ÷ 3], mass = 0 (zero), energy = 1,91657×10-138 J (p.5.1), electric charge = 0 (zero), which at the speed 6,18719×1034 m/s - rotate around its center s - left, t - right (propeller in the sphere).

In the material points (bodies) of our Universe (stars, planets, molecules, atoms, elementary particles, dark matter, dark energy), s and t quanta reduce the motion speed up to 2,06239×1026 m/s (6,18719×1034 ÷ 3×108) and create the force of the gravitational interaction of the material points (bodies) with each other (p. 5.10), and in the black holes, reducing the motion speed up to 6,87465×1017 m/s (6,18719×1034 ÷ (3×108)2), create a super-powered force variable of the gravitational interaction capable of destroying any material points (bodies) (p. 5.10).

If we consider the image of unstable or stable elementary particles obtained by the scientists, then it becomes clear that this event occurs in the environment that can be created only by s and t quanta. The ratio of the volume of the elementary particle is 4,18878×10-66 m3 ([4 × 3,14159 × (1×10-22 m)3] ÷ 3) to the volume of s or t quanta

 2,21062×10-105 m3  as 1 to 1,89484×1039.

The unit of vacuum is 2,21062×10105 quanta s or quanta t in 1 m3.

Classification, conditional structure of s and t quanta, (stg quantum) are given in the Table 2.

4. Transparent Space-Time-Gravitational Star

Thanks to John Mitchell's research, science claims that an astrophysical object can create such a powerful force of gravity that no fast particles can leave its surface, including light. Such an object was called "Black Hole" by John Archibald Wheeler in the report "Our Universe: the Known and Unknown" on December 29, 1967. We propose: transparent space-time gravitational star (hereinafter - gravitational star).

1 - scientific statements about the properties of the black hole in the Table 1;

2 - our statements about the properties of the gravitational star in the Table 1.

Table 1

1. Size of the black hole may be smaller than an atom size or millions of meters.

The black hole is formed when:

- the energy source in the star with a mass 10 times more than the mass of the Sun is up, but the gravity of the star remains practically unchanged;

- in the nucleus there are conditions when the neutron becomes a stable particle. Under such conditions, much of the electrons are combined with free protons. Thus, the pressure of the degenerated gas can no longer hold the balance of the stars.....

- the nucleus of the star collapses and acquires the density close to the density of the atomic nucleus,

- finally, there comes a moment when even the light can not overcome the gravitational barrier. The star disappears: as we call a black hole is formed.



Table 1

2. Let's calculate the volume and radius of a newly formed gravitational star formed by the star that had a mass 10 times more than the mass of the Sun(1,98855×1030 kg):

- r of the Sun = 7×108 m;

- V of the Sun = (4 × 3,14159 × (7×108 m)3) ÷ 3 = 14,36753×1026 m3;

- V of the star that had a mass 10 times more than the mass of the Sun = 14,36753×1027 m3;

- V of the newly formed gravitational star = 14,36753×1027 m3 ÷ (14,36753×1017) = 1×1010 m3,


- 14,36753×1017 - the number of reduction of V star, which had a mass 10 times more than the mass of the Sun;

- r (gs) of the newly formed gravitational star = [4 × 3,14159 × (r(gs))3] ÷ 3 = 1×1010 m3;

(r (gs))3 = 3×1010 m3 ÷ 12,56636 = 2,38732×109 m3;

r (gs) = 3√2,38732×109 m3 = 1,33651×10 m3 (1336,51m).

The collapse of a star with a mass of more than 10 solar masses (1,98855×1034 g) from the center of the nucleus moves (electrons, neutrinos, quarks, protons, neutrons) into space at a speed close to the speed of light and destroys photons to transparent fundamental particles (dark energy) (p.5.2).

In the center of the nucleus of the star creates a state of vacuum equal to 2,21062×10105 s and t /m3, in which 1,3840532×10-9 g of transparent fundamental particles (dark energy)(p.5.2) in 1 m3 are destroyed to 6,49932×10142 quanta s and t,

(1,3840532×10-9 g × 4,69586×10151) ÷ 1 g = 6,49932×10142 quanta s and t,


- 1 g of the substance contains 4.69586 × 10151 quanta s or t (item 5.1).

In the center of the destroyed star in the volume (V = 1×1010 m3) 6,49932×10142 quanta s and t, which move at a speed of ≈ 6,87465×1017 m/s - form a gravitational star.

1. The final state of the black hole is stationary, correct only in the usual framework, but not for the quantum gravity theory.

2. The final state of the gravitational star is stationary, correct for any theories, since it is created only from s and t quanta.

1. Quantum effects lead to the fact that in fact the black hole must continuously radiate, while losing its energy.

2. Quantum effects - gravitational waves - are possible only when the gravitational stars merge. The gravitational star does not lose its energy and s and t quanta.

1. Considering the purely dynamic problem of the particles generation in such a gravitational field, S. Hawking in 1975 showed that it makes the physical vacuum unstable: the virtual (short-lived) particles always present in it are transformed into real (long-lived) particles. In the vacuum near the horizon of events, the field generates a pair of particles, with one of the components of the pair going inside the black hole, occupying the state with the negative energy, and the other having positive energy, flies out and may be registered by the observer.

2. The gravitational star destroys the substance to real atoms, elementary particles, quanta.

1. The modern theory of black holes is based on Einstein's general relativity theory. It suggests that the gravitational field is manifestation of the distortion of space-time (which, in this way, appears as pseudo-Riemann, and not pseudo-Euclidean, as in the special relativity theory).

2. "Distortion of space-time" is decrease of the speed of movement and increase in the number of s quanta (space compaction) and t (time slowing) in 1 m3 of the growth of the gravitational force of Gshift-gs (p.5.10) of the gravitational star.

Table 1

1. Around the black hole an imaginary surface can be constructed, from which radiation can not escape, such a surface is called the horizon of events.

2. The surface around the gravitational star is created by the ergo-sphere (correct - torus, from the static limit to the horizon of the events) and the horizon of the events (Scheme 1).

Due to the variable of the gravitational force Gshift-gs (p.5.10), the gravitational star draws a substance from outer space into the torus that is destroyed to atoms, nuclei, protons, neutrons, electrons, X-rays, γ-rays, and photons, mp particles, tsp particles (the remainder is Hawking radiation).

In the spheres of the horizon of the events:

- visible - tsp particles are destroyed to tfp particles and only one tfp particle of 1,0×1015 is drawn to the destructive sphere (the remainder is Hawking radiation);

- devastating - tfp particles are destroyed to s, t quanta and only two quanta (one s and one t) of

1,0×1020 are drawn into the quantum sphere (the remainder is Hawking radiation);

- quantum - s and t quantum, reducing the speed to ≈ 6,87465×1017 m/s, move to the volume of the gravitational star.

1. The black hole can have three physical parameters: mass, electric charge and moment of momentum.

2. The gravitational star has four physical parameters: moment of momentum, mass - zero, charge - zero, energy (6,49932×10142 × 1,91657×10-138 J (p. 5.1) = 124564,0173 J(newly formed).

1. In the depths of the black hole, the curvature of the force of gravity reaches infinity in the area called singularity. For black holes that do not rotate, singularity has the form of a point. Singularity of the rotating black hole has the form of a ring.

2 The growing gravitational variable Gshift-gs (p. 5.10), thanks to accumulation of s and t quanta by the gravitational star, holds all the material points (bodies) of the galaxy.

No matter if the gravitational star rotates or does not rotate around its own axis - it has the shape of the sphere.


Structure and dimensions of the newly formed gravitational star

Scheme 1

1 - Thorus - r (circles of torus) ≈ 1,0×1010 m.

2 - Spheres of the horizon of the events:

2,1 - d visible 1,1×101 m, 2,2 - d destructive ≈ 0,1×101 m, 2.3 d quantum ≈ 1,1×106 m.

3 - Gravitational star r = 1336,51 m (newly created).

4 - Hawking radiation from the point of contact of the torus to the visible sphere, from the visible and destructive spheres.

The gravitational star, its spheres, belong just to one of many forms of energy and matter that is like a tropical cyclone on Earth according to its shape.

In the end, the gravitational stars will destroy all the matter of the galaxies and form the sphere - Dense Energy of s and t quanta. During 13,7 milliard years the gravitational stars destroyed 10,0% of the substances in our Universe.

5. Our Universe Origination

5.1 Dense Energy

Dense energy generation (in English - Density energy, abbreviated as De):

- gravitational oscillations in the space-time-gravitational continuum are created by the difference in densities in different volumes, objects (the number of s and t quanta in

1 m3);

- uneven density of the space-time-gravitational continuum through splitting by the gravitational stars: neutrons, protons, neutrinos, electrons, any radiation, dark matter, dark energy - to s and t quanta;

- joining of the gravitational stars into the Dense Energy with a diameter of 1 light year.

Volume of the Dense Energy with a diameter of 1 light year (abbreviated as VDe):

VDe = [4 × 3,14159 × (4,73036×1015 m)3] ÷ 3 = 4,43374×1047 m3,


- 4,73036×1015 m (9,46073×1015 m (light year) ÷ 2);

- number of s and t quanta in the Dense Energy required for creation of our Universe:

Σ s і t = (2,5×1055 g × 6,49932×10142) ÷ 1,38405×10-9 g = 11,73967×10206,


- 2,5×1055 g - the total number of grams of the substance in our Universe (galaxies, stars, interstellar gas, dark matter, dark energy);

- 1,38405×10-9 g - the amount of the destroyed substance to s and t quanta in the star, whose mass is 10 times more than the mass of the Sun (Table 1 page 8);

-  6,49932×10142 - the total number of s and t quanta, formed from 1,38405×10-9 g of the destroyed substance in the star with the mass 10 times more than the mass of the Sun (Table 1 page 8).

That is, 1 g of the substance contains 4,69586×10151 of s or t quanta [(11,73967×10206 ×   × 1 g) ÷ 2,5×1055 g];

- energy of one quantum s or quantum t:

Е s = Е t = 22,5×1068 J ÷ 11,73967×10206 = 1,91657×10-138 J.

The electric charge and the mass of the Dense Energy are zero.

5.2 Transparent Fundamental Particle (Dark Energy)

In the Dense Energy out tf 11,73967×10206 s and t quanta, the speed of intersection of which decreased to zero during the time from 5,39121×10-44 s to 5,39121×10-35 s due to unification (accretion) of 2,5×1052 kg of the substance was created - the transparent fundamental particles tfp (tfp - transparent fundamental particle) (dark energy) - Our Universe was originated.

The radius of tfp particle (sphere) is Planck's length multiplied by 1,08×103 (difference between Planck's and subatomic values):

1,61624×10-35 m × 1,08×103 = 1,74553×10-32 m.

tfp particle volume makes up:

[4 × 3,14159 × (1,74553×10-32 m)3] ÷ 3 = 22,27769×10-96 m3.

One tfp particle mass makes up:

m tfp = (1,61624×10-35 × 1,61624×10-35) × 1 kg = 2,61223×10-70 kg (2,61223×10-67 g),


- 1,61624×10-35 is a number that is numerically equal to Planck's length.

Density (ρ) of tfp particles:

ρ tfp = 2,61223×10-70 kg ÷ 22,27769×10-96 m3 = 1,17257×1025 kg/m3

Unification (accretion) of s and t quanta has created (one hundred percent):

2,5×1055 g ÷ 2,61223×10-67 g = 9,57036×10121 of tfp particles.

For creation of one tfp particle proportionally (1÷1) s and t quanta were connected:

11,73967×10206 ÷ 9,57036×10121 = 1,22667×1085


- 11,73967×10206 - number of s and t quanta, which created the Dense Energy (p.5.1);

- 9,57036×10121 - created tfp particles.

The number of 68,3% of tfp particles of our Universe:

9,57036×10121 × 68,3% ÷ 100% = 6,53655×10121.

Mass of 68,3% of tfp particles of our Universe:

6,53655×10121 × 2,61223×10-67 g = 17,075×1054 g.

Energy of 68,3% of tfp particles of our Universe:

17,075×1051 kg × (3×108 m/s)2 = 15,3675×1068 J.

Energy of one tfp particle = 22,5×1068 J ÷ 9,57036×10121 = 2,35100×10-53 J.

Density (ρ) of our Universe which was created by tfp particles in the volume of 4,43374×1047 m3 was equal to:

2,50×1052 kg ÷ 4,43374×1047 m3 = 5,63858×104 kg/m3.

Taking into account the mass of 17,075×1054 g (68,3%) of tfp particles of our Universe and the mass of one tfp particle 2,61223×10-67 g, the conclusion is as follows:

- unification (accretion) of tfp particles created the particles of the dark matter;

- moving at the speed of c (light) 68,3% of tfp particles uniformly fill the space of our Universe, but filling the space outside of our Universe due to the difference in density, increase the distance between themselves, which reduces the density of our Universe and increases the distance between the components of our Universe;

- manifest themselves only in weak gravitational interaction, do not create negative pressure, which would give rise to repulsion or anti-gravitation.

Classification, properties of tfp particles are given in the Table 2.

5.3 Transparent Smallest Particles (Dark Matter)

Gravitational and created by the connection (accretion) of tfp particles - electromagnetic, strong and weak interactions - over time from 5,3×10-35 s  to 1,1×101 s formed 31,7% of dark matter particles - transparent smallest particles (tsp).

Unification (accretion) of 1,1×103 of tfp particles created one tsp particle (sphere) of the following mass:

2,61223×10-70 kg × 1,1×103 = 2,87345×10-67 kg (2,87345×10-64 g),

tsp particle radius is the radius of tfp particle multiplied by 1,1×102 (difference between radii):

1,74553×10-32 m × 1,1×102 = 1,92008×10-30 m.

Volume of one tsp particle: [4 × 3,14159 × (1,92008×10-30 m)3] ÷ 3 = 29,65146-90 m3.

Density (ρ) of tsp particles:

ρ tsp = 2,87345×10-67 kg ÷ 29,65146-90 m3 = 9,69075×1021 kg/m3.

Unification of 100% tfp particles would create:

2,5×1055 g ÷ 2,87345×10-64 g = 8,70034×10118 частинок tsp.

In our Universe, only 31,7% of tsp particles are created:

8,70034×10117 × 31,7% ÷ 100% = 2,75801×10117.

Mass of 31,7% of tsp particles:

2,75801×10118 × 2,87345×10-64 g = 7,925×1054 g.

The amount of 26,8% of tsp particles of our Universe:

8,70034×0118 × 26,8% ÷ 100% = 2,33169×10118.

Mass of 26,8% of tsp particles of Our Universe:

2,33169×10118 × 2,87345×10-64 g = 6,7×1054 g.

The amount of 4,9% of tsp particles that created the substance of our Universe:

8,70034×10118 × 4,9% ÷ 100% = 4,26316×10117.

The energy of 26,8% of tsp particles of our Universe:

6,7×1051 kg × (3×108 m/s)2 = 6,03×1068 J.

The energy of 31,7% of tsp particles:

7,925×1051 kg × (3×108 m/s)2 = 7,1325×1068 J.

The energy of one tsp particle:

7,1325×1068 J ÷ 2,75801×10118 = 2,58610×10-50 J.

Taking into account the mass of 6,7×1054 g (26,8%) of tsp particles of our Universe and the mass of one tsp particle 2,87345×10-64 g, the conclusion is as follows:

- the basis of the structure is 4,9% of the substance of our Universe;

- moving at the speed of c (light), 26,8% of tsp particles fill the space outside our Universe, but because of the difference in density they increase the distance between themselves by tfp particles, substance in our Universe;

- because of the expansion of our Universe, 26,8% of tsp particles can not evenly fill the spaces of our Universe.

Classification, properties of tsp particles are given in the Table 2.

5.4 Magne

Unification (accretion) of tsp particles within the time from 1,1×101 s to 1,1×103 s created the transparent mp magne particles (mp - magnetic particle) (sphere with motion speed ≈ 3×108 m/s).

Mp particles:

- mp mass = 3,16079×10-62 kg (2,87345×10-67 kg (mass of tsp particles) × 1,1×105

  (number of joined tsp particles);

- mp radius = 2,11208×10-28 m (1,92008×10-30 m (radius of tsp particles) × 1,1×102

 (difference between radii);

- mp volume = 39,46565×10-84 m3 [4 × 3,14159 × (2,11208×10-28 m)3] ÷ 3);

- ρ mp = 8,00896×1020 kg/m3 (3,16079×10-62 kg ÷ 39,46565×10-84 m3).

Energy (dynamo effect, electric current, compression or a combination of them) acting on the source of mp particles - substance (from photon to neutron) - create radiation - absorption (circulation) of mp particles from the pole to the pole of the substance. Mp particle is the smallest material particle of a magnet capable of transmitting electric interaction.

(Practical experiment of detection or creation of mp particle, tsp particle, tfp particle, s quantum, t quantum is currently not possible, but calculations indicate their presence).

5.5 Photon

Unification (accretion) of mp particles within the time from 1,1×103 s to 1,1×104 s created the photon particles, which, due to the motion speed ≈ 3×108 m/s and the action of gravity, continuously pulsating, change the volume from the "sphere-particle" (abbreviated as "sphere") to "extracted spheroid particle" (abbreviated as "spheroid ").

Red photon particle (red photon):

- mass of "sphere" - "spheroid" (1eV/c2 = 1,78266184(4)×10-36 kg)

1,68×10-22eV/c2 = 2,99487×10-58 kg = 3,16079×10-62 kg (mp particle mass) ×

× 0,9475067×104 (mp particles),

1,98×10-22eV/c2 = 3,52966×10-58 kg = 3,16079×10-62 kg (mp particle mass) ×

× 1,1167050×104 (mp particles);

- radius of "sphere" (3,52966×10-58 kg) = 2,34440×10-26 m (2,11208×10-28 m (mp

   particle radius) × 1,11×102 (difference between radii));

- volume of "sphere" - "spheroid" (3,52966×10-58 kg) (V = (4πr2) ÷ 3) =

  = 53,97384×10-78 m3[4 × 3,14159 × (2,34440×10-26 m)3] ÷ 3);

- density (ρ) = 6,53957×1018 kg/m3 (3,52966×10-58 kg ÷ 53,97384×10-78 m3);

- large half-axle "spheroid" (3,52966×10-58 kg) = 7,26764×10-26 m (radius of "sphere" 2,34440×10-26 m × 3,1*);

- small half-axle "spheroid" (3,52966×10-58 kg) (V = (4 πab2) ÷ 3) = 1,33153×10-26 m,

(161,91152(3 × 53,97384×10-78 m3) ÷ 91,32778(4 × 3,14159 × 7,26764×10-26 m) =

= 1,33153×10-26 m).

Violet photon particle (violet photon):

- mass of "sphere" - "spheroid" (1eV/c2 = 1,78266184×10-36 kg)

2,82×10-22eV/c2 = 5,02710×10-58 kg = 3,16079×10-62 kg (mp particle mass) ×

   × 1,59045×104 (mp particles);

3,26×10-22eV/c2 = 5,81147×10-58 kg = 3,16079×10-62 kg (mp particle mass) ×

   × 1,83861×104 (mp particles);

- radius of "sphere" (5,81147×10-58 kg) = 5,42273×10-26 m (increase of radius "sphere" of each next photon from red photon (2,34440×10-26 m to violet photon ≈ 1,15 times);

- volume of "sphere" - "spheroid"(5,81147×10-58kg) (V = (4πr2) ÷ 3) =

   = 667,94728×10-78 m3 [4 × 3,14159 × (5,42273×10-26 m)3] ÷ 3);

- density (ρ) = 8,70049×1017 kg/m3 (5,81147×10-58 kg ÷ 6,67947×10-76 m3);

- large half-axis "spheroid"(5,81147×10-58 kg) = 16,81046×10-26 m (radius of "sphere"

  5,42273×10-26 m × 3,1*);

- small half-axis of "spheroid"(5,81147×10-58 kg) (V= (4πab2) ÷ 3) = 3,079904×10-26 m,

 (2003,84184×10-78 m3 (3 × 667,94728×10-78 m3) ÷ 211,24629×10-26 m(4 × 3,14159 ×

× 16,81046×10-26 m) = 3,079904×10-26 m).

Our statement on photons:

1. Increasing the number of mp particles in each next photon from red photon to violet photon includes the following: increasing the mass and energy, decrease the distance when changing the volume of "sphere" - "spheroid" (not "wavelength"), coloring the photon through friction of mp particles at pulsation (volume change).

2. Shifting of the radiated light to the red side of the spectrum is the following: "The gravity force of the massive body is able to tear mp particles off the photons (from orange to violet), change the direction of motion but not the speed of motion", but not the statement: "Gravitational red displacement is the phenomenon of shift of the emitted light to the red side of the spectrum to the extent of its distance from the massive bodies".

3. Photons are the largest particles by mass moving at the speed ≈ 3×108 m/s.

5.6 Electron

The electron particle (hereinafter - e-) changes the volume of "sphere" - "spheroid" (without pulsation).

- number of violet photon particles in the electron = 1,56748×1027 (9,10938×10-31 kg (scientific mass data) ÷ 5,81147×10-58 kg (mass of violet photon));

- radius of "sphere" of e- = 2,81794×10-15 m (according to the scientific data);

- volume of "sphere" - "spheroid" of e- (V = (4πr2) ÷ 3) = 93,73104×10-45 m3 [4 ×

  × 3,14159 × (2,81794×10-15 m)3] ÷ 3);

- ρ e- = 9,71863×1012 kg/m3 (9,10938×10-31 kg ÷ 93,73104×10-45 m3);

- large half-axle of "spheroid" e- = 6,19946×10-15 m (radius of "sphere"

2,81794×10-15 m × 2,2*),

- small half-axle of "spheroid" e- (V = (4πab2) ÷ 3) = 1,899856×10-15 m,

 (281,19312(3 × 93,73104×10-45 m3) ÷ 77,90464(4 × 3,14159 × 6,19946×10-15 m) =

= 1,899856×10-15 m;

- energy of "sphere" - "spheroid" of e- = 5,11113×105eV/c2 (9,10938×10-31 kg ×

   × 1eV/c2) ÷ 1,78226×10-36 kg);

Friction of violet photon particles, when changing the volume "sphere" - "spheroid" (without pulsation), gives the surface e-charge (-). The electrons were created within the time from 1,1×104 s to 1,1×105 s.

(* Large half-axis for particles "sphere" - "spheroid":

- of the mass from 1×10-58 kg to 6×10-58 kg is 3,1 times larger than the radius "sphere";

- of the mass from 1×10-41 kg to 1×10-39 kg is 1,1 times larger than the radius "sphere";

- of the mass from 1×10-32 kg to 1×10-29 kg is 2,2 times larger than the radius "sphere").

5.7 Neutrino, proton, quarks, neutron

Neutrino is a stable neutral particle that participates in weak and gravitational interactions, almost does not interact with the substance:

- electron neutrino out of particles of red photon of the first type with mass - 0,26eV/c2 (according to the scientific data) or 4,63491×10-37 kg (0,26eV/c2 × 1,78266×10-36 kg) ÷

  ÷ 1еV/с2);

- neutrino out of particles of violet photon of the second type with mass - 0,27eV/c2 (according to the scientific data) 4,81318×10-37 kg (0,27eV/c2 × 1,78266×10-36 kg) ÷

  ÷ 1eV/c2);

- neutrino out of particles of violet photon of the third type with mass - 0,28eV/c2 (according to the scientific data) 4,99144×10-37 kg (0,28 eV/c2 × 1,78266×10-36 kg) ÷

  ÷ 1eV/c2).

Proton is a stable elementary particle in the nucleus with a positive charge with mass of 1,67262×10-27 kg, created by quarks:

- u-top (blue) with mass of 0,55637×10-27 kg out of particles of red photon crystalline structure - 5,33698×10-30 kg [(2,99383×106eV/c2 × 1,78266×10-36 kg) ÷ 1eV/c2]) and mp particles shell ("gas") - 0,55102×10-27 kg);

- u-top (red) with mass of 0,55754×10-27 kg of particles of red photon crystalline structure - 5,35436×10-30 kg [(3,00358×106eV/c2 × 1,78266×10-36 kg) ÷ 1eV/c2]) and mp particles shell ("gas") - 0,55218×10-27 kg);

- d-lower (green) with mass of 0,55871×10-27 kg of particles of violet photon crystalline structure - 13,02083×10-30 kg [(7,30416×106еV/с2 × 1,78266×10-36 kg) ÷

÷ 1еV/с2]) and mp particles shell ("gas") - 0,54568×10-27 kg).

From the total mass of the proton: crystalline structure - 1,4%, shell - 98,6%.

Space structure of the quarks (corresponds to the structure of the electron, change in the volume without pulsation) gives the surface of the quarks u-top (blue) and u-top (red) - charge (+), quark d-lower (green) - charge (-).

The charge (-) of the quark of d-lower (green) does not compensate for the charge (+) of quarks u-top (blue) and u-top (red), that's why the proton has the charge (+).

By the nuclear decay of the quarks - the crystalline structure is divided into:

- u-top (red) - into 11514743 (5,33698×10-30 kg ÷ 4,63491×10-37 kg) of the first type of electron neutrinos with mass of 4,63491×10-37 kg (of which 230295 electron neutrinos with left helicity, 230295 electron anti-neutrinos with right helicity annihilate the decay up to mp particles), radiation - 11054153 with left helicity;

- u-top (blue) - into 11124370 (5,35436×10-30 kg ÷ 4,81318×10-37 kg) of the second type of neutrino with mass of 4,81318×10-37, (of which 222487 neutrinos with left helicity, 222487 anti-neutrinos with right helicity annihilate the decay up to mp particles), radiation - 10679396 with left helicity;

- d-lower (green) - into 26086320 (13,02083×10-30 kg ÷ 4,99144×10-37 kg) of the third type of neutrino with mass of 4,99144×10-37 kg, (of which 521726 neutrinos with left helicity, 521726 anti-neutrinos with right helicity annihilate the decay up to mp particles), radiation - 25042868 with left helicity;

- shell ("gas") creates the electromagnetic impulse of 5,21667×1034 of mp particles [(0,55102×10-27 kg + 0,55218×10-27 kg + 0,54568×10-27 kg) ÷ 3,16079×10-62 kg].

Neutron is an electrically neutral particle in the nucleus with mass of 1,67496·10-27 kg created by quarks:

- u-top (blue) with mass of 0,55637×10-27 kg out of particles of red photon crystalline structure - 5,33698×10-30 kg [(2,99383×106eV/c2 × 1,78266×10-36 kg) ÷ 1eV/c2]) and mp particles shell ("gas") - 0,55102×10-27 kg);

- d-top (red) with mass of 0,55851×10-27 kg of red photon particles crystalline structure 13,00519×10-30 kg [(7,29538×106eV/c2 × 1,78266×10-36 kg) ÷ 1eV/c2]) and mp particles shell ("gas") - 0,54550×10-27 kg);

- d-lower (green) with mass of 0,56008×10-27 kg of violet photon particles crystalline structure - 13,43920×10-30 kg [(7,53885×106еV/с2 × 1,78266×10-36 kg) ÷ 1еV/с2]) and mp particles shell (“gas”) - 0,54664×10-27 kg).

From the total mass of the neutron: the crystalline structure is 1,9%, shell one - 98,1%.

Charge (-) of the quark d-lower (green) compensates the sum of charge (+) of the quarks u-top (blue) and d-top (red) - neutron is an electrically neutral particle in the nucleus.

The neutron decay in a free state:

- d-top (red) quark (0,55851×10-27 kg) on u-top (red) quark (0,55754×10-27 kg) + electron neutrino of the first type (4,63491×10-37 kg) + mp particles

(≈ 0,00097×10-27 kg);

- d-lower (green) quark (0,56008×10-27 kg) on d-lower (green) quark

(0,55871×10-27 kg) + electron (9,10938×10-31 kg) + mp particles (≈ 0,00459×10-27 kg).

At nuclear decay, the quarks of the neutron break down in accordance with the scheme of decay of quarks of the proton.

(The nucleus of the star with mass of more than 10 masses of the Sun, which does not contain H atoms, creates a neutron-proton star built from neutrons and protons when collapsed).

Neutrinos, protons, quarks, neutrons were created within the time from 1,1×104 s to 1,1×105 s.

5.8 Big Bang. Expansion of the Universe. Structure of the Substance

Gravitational, electromagnetic, strong and weak interaction in the sphere 4,43374×1047 m3 (volume, which increased) within the time from 5,3×10-35 s to 1,1×104 s created tsp, mp particles,  photon, which within the time from 1,1×104 s to 1,1×106 s united in [red photon → quark (u-top (red), d-top (red), electron neutrino of the first type]; [violet photon → electron, quark (u-top (blue), u-top (blue)  d-lower (green), neutrino of the second type, neutrino of the third type]; [(quarks + mp) → proton], [(proton + electron + electron neutrino of the first type + mp) → neutrons], (magne, photons → elementary particles → electrons, quarks, neutrinos, protons, neutrons) , [(protons + neutrons + electrons) → chemical elements (1Н(75,5%), 4Не(24,4%), 7Lі(0,09991%), 14N(0,00009%) - substances of our Universe with mass of 1,225×1054 (4,9%)] and raising of the sphere temperature up to trillion degrees completed by the Big Bang (billions of explosions simultaneously).

Different amounts of tfp particles and different space structure of tfp, tsp, mp particles, photon include the following: decrease in the density (ρ) of tfp particles to the electron and various physical and chemical properties of the substances. Space, time, gravity in the volume of tfp, tsp, mp particles, photons, substance and in the space volume between them - create s and t quanta.

What was the first s and t quanta or tfp particle, it is unknown, but:

- entropy of s and t quanta (unification (accretion)) is completed by creation of tfp particles;

- entropy of tfp particles (gravitational, electromagnetic, strong and weak interaction) and creation of the gravitational stars (Table 1) is completed by creation of s and t quanta, this is the eternity.

The Big Bang theory points out that the Universe expanded exponentially during the inflationary period, that is, the expansion considerably exceeded the speed of c (light), which is not the violation of the relativity theory, because this extension is not related to the motion of matter, but with expansion of the space itself (negative pressure and high vacuum density). Completion of the primary nucleosynthesis was accompanied by the phase transition of the vacuum of high density to the modern state with density of 10-30 kg/m3.

Our statement of the inflationary era:

- space did not expand exponentially, because the Big Bang took place in the volume of the created substance of the Universe soaked and surrounded by s and t quanta (space-time gravitational continuum);

- the reasons for extension are explained in clauses 5.2, 5.3, 5.11.


Scheme of our Universe Origination

1 - s and t quanta (infinity, eternity, continuity);

2 - dense energy of 11,73967×10206 s and t quanta;

3 - tfp particles (fundamental);

4 - tsp particles (smallest);

5 - particles from magne to neutrons;

6 - chemical elements: Н, Не, Lі, N;

7 - Big Bang;

8 - our Universe.

5.9 Radioactivity

In the nuclei of the radioactive elements, protons, neutrons repulsion constructed of quarks (mass of which is more than that calculated in 5.7) causes: emission of particles: β; α; γ; mp - and establishment of the mass of quarks, equal to that calculated in clause 5.7. (The external action of the mp particles on the radioactive element accelerates the loss of mp particles without radioactive radiation).

5.10 Gravitational constants

Gravitational constants:

- quantum gravitational constant Gstg, with which s and t quanta interact in infinity, eternity, continuity, moving at the speed of 6,18719×1034 m/s:

Gstg = 2 × 1,91657×10-138 J = 3,83314×10-138 J,


- 2 - s and t quanta;

- 1,91657×10-138 J - s and t quanta energy,

- gravitational constant G, with which the material points (bodies) interact, are created by s and t quanta moving in the material points (bodies) with speed of

2,06239×1026 m/s:

G = [22,27769×10-96 m3 ÷ (3,83314×10-138 J ÷ 2,35100×10-53 J)] ÷ 2 ÷ (1 kg) ÷ (1 s2) =

= 6,83184·10-11 m3kg-1s-2,


- 22,27769×10-96 m3  - tfp particle volume;

- 3,83314×10-138 J - еnergy  s and t quanta;

- 2,35100×10-53 J - еnergy of tfp particle.

According to the scientific data, the gravitational constant G = 6,67384×10-11 m3kg-1s-2);

- gravitational variable Gshift-gs of the gravitational star (in the volume of shift-gs the motion of s and t quanta ≈ 6,87465×1017 m/s):

Gshift-gs = [6,83184·10-11 m3kg-1s-2 × (1,33651×103 m ÷ 1 m)] ÷ 2 =

= 4,56541×10-8 m3kg-1s-2,


- 6,83184×10-11 m3kg-1s-2 - gravitational constant G;

- 1,33651×103 m - radius of the newly created gravitational star (r (gs) - variable).

- 2 - two material points (bodies) that interact.

The force of interaction of a gravitational star with material points (bodies) is: the square of the mass of a material point (body) divided by the square of the distance between them and multiplied by the gravitational variable Gshift-gs of the gravitational star: 

                        F = [(Mpoint of matter)2 ÷ L2] × Gshift-gs.


5.11 Theory of еverything

Theory of everything is consideration in the theories of "Quantum mechanics" and "General theory of relativity" that:

- there are only two quanta s and t, which are equal to the Planck length (the smallest unit of energy), so the phenomenon of "quantum entanglement" - is absent;

- interacting in the process of movement quanta s and t in infinity, eternity, continuity create a constant (unchangeable) quantum gravitational constant Gstg, which creates a gravitational interaction of material points (bodies) with each other;

- quantum gravitational constant Gstg is the force that gives acceleration to the substance of the Universe;

- electromagnetic, strong and weak - fundamental physical interactions of material points (bodies) from tfp to galaxies;

- gravitational variable of the gravitational star Gshift-gs changes the speed, direction of motion of the particles (tfp, tsp, mp, photons), substances of the Universe and destroys them before s and t quanta;

- E s + E t = E = mc2.

Total gravitational force G of the massive objects of the Universe and quantum gravitational constant Gstg:

- does not change volume, speed, direction of movement of tfp, tsp particles;

- does not change volume and speed of motion, but changes direction of motion of mp particles;

- changes volume (pulsation) and direction of motion of photons, capable of tearing mp particles off the photons, but does not change speed of photons;

- changes volume (without pulsation), speed, direction of motion of the substance of the Universe (neutrino, electrons, protons, neutrons, atoms, planets, stars) moving at with the speed less than ≈ 3×108 m/s.

The diameter of our Universe is equal - 2,36853×10104 m [(6,18719×1034)3 × 1 m].

Classification, Properties of the Particles

Table 2


s and t quanta (stg quantum):

tfp particle

tsp particle


Space quantum - time quantum - gravity






the smallest




the smallest

Participation in interactions:

Creation of: space, time and permanent (unchanged) quantum gravitational constant Gstg

Weak gravitational - in our Universe

Gravitational - in our Universe


Not available

Not available

Not available


Theoretically  calculated

Theoretically  calculated

Theoretically  calculated


21st century

21st century

21st century


0 (kg)

2,61223×10-70 kg

2,87345×10-67 kg



1,17257×1025 kg/m3 

9,69075×1021 kg/m3


Edge length:
- s quantum =  t quantum =
=1,61624×10-35 m.

Radius: 1,74553×10-32 m

Radius: 1,92008×10-30 m

Life time:

Space-time-gravitational continuum (infinity, eternity, continuity)

From creation of tfp particles from dense energy to further creation of the dense energy.

From creation of tfp particles to the next creation of the dense energy.


Creation: of the dense energy, tfp particlesgravitational stars

Creation of tsp particles,  (substance)

Creation of mp particles  (substance)

Quantum numbers:





s = t = 1,91657×10-138 J

2,35100×10-53 J

2,58610×10-50 J

Spin ħ:













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